Our raw materials buying policy

Woven in France or Belgium, we do our best to provide the highest quality of fabrics to our customers, buying as close to the mill as possible. The whole production is based in Laval in France, preserving the French savoir-faire, and creating jobs in our geographical area.

Our labels and certifications

Label France Terre Textile : French textile production label.

Label Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV), being renewed.

We are also undertaking two certification programs:

  • Certification process for ISO 9001 V2015 – Quality management.
  • Certification process for ISO 14001 V2018 – Environmental management.

Since 2015, our mill in Laval is approved as a “Classified Installation for Environmental Protection” (ICPE).

We comply with REACH obligations, adopted in 2007 by the Council of the European Union. The aim of this regulation is to protect human health and the environment from the risks related to the use of chemical substances.


Our quality control department

Each stage of the production of your order is control, guaranteeing a strict process and therefore a high-quality product which meets your expectations. We guarantee continual improvement in each step of our production.

The first control of the fabrics begins as soon as they arrive at the mill, when they are still unbleached. They are controlled again after they are bleached, and a third time after they are printed.

Those tests provided by our internal laboratory give us the insurance that they fill in our quality standards (tear straight, abrasion tests, Martindale pilling tests, dimensional stability, wet and dry scrub resistance…).

Before being packed and sent to our customers, each meter of each production is controlled on our checking tables.

Our energy consumption

Tissus d’Avesnières has been working hard to reduce its consumption of water and energy.
Therefore, no matter it is gas, electricity, or water consumption, we make sure to reduce our ecological impact locally, nationally, and globally.

